About us

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Entebbe Girls Secondary School

The Entebbe Girls Secondary School. Situated in Kigungu, a mere 6km journey from the aforementioned airport, this school stands as a testament to the transformative power of quality education, particularly for young girls.

The ethos of this school is deeply rooted in its history and the broader Ugandan culture.

It’s not merely about imparting academic knowledge, but more about shaping the future leaders of the country. 

Imagine a school environment where every girl, regardless of her background, is seen as an individual with unique talents and aspirations. 

Historical Background

Its location is  at one of the fromer seats of British Imperial Rule In Uganda.The administration block represents the position of the fomer home of Davenport, one of the representatives of her Majesty the Queen of England in Uganda.




Office Hours

+256 392 176 326

It’s a nurturing ground, a place where dreams are fostered, where skills are honed, and where leaders are born


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Excelled Students

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Qualified Teachers

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Current Ongoing Studnets

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Infrastructural Facilities

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